Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wow. Totally forgot I had a blog, obviously since my last post was Dec. '08.

Ok, so I guess I can add this to my list of things to do this year. I will make an effort to keep my blog up to date.

Let me start by saying that God has truly been faithful to us this past year. It has been a very difficult year for sure. In September, Steve was finally offered a position in sales for Maronda Homes. He is doing very well there, but it's just not what he wants to do. We are believing that this is all part of God's plan for us and it may just be a stepping stone. However, we also remember that we are to be grateful. So many out there are still searching for a job.

The girls are loving school. Ragan is in 8th grade, Reilly in 5th, and Rinna is in 1st. We have had to start the dreaded high school planning. I cannot believe I am about to have a baby in high school. Why does time go so fast? Reilly will be going to Washington DC in April for the Safety Patrol trip. Another milestone that I have a certain dread about, but I know that she is excited. My little Rinna is growing too. She is excelling in school. They all 3 make me so proud.

I am loving working with my friend, Dyan at Limelight. It's a great shop and in my opinion, doing very well. I am praying for success for her.

That's all for now. I will post pics soon.

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