Monday, January 10, 2011

Getting settled

I am thrilled to get to share all that God is doing in our lives. First, we are all moved in our new home in West Lafayette, Indiana. It is cold and snowy but it is home and it's where we feel God has called us.

The girls are getting situated in their new schools. Ragan is transitioning fine into her new environment. Reilly has done so incredibly well. Rinna had a rough start (let's just say the description of crocodile tears is putting it mildly), but now says that Mr. Proulx (Pru) is her favorite teacher EVER.

I am unpacking all that I care to unpack right now. While we are renting, I feel that if I haven't needed it by now, I don't need it (I'm sticking to that).

Steve is continuing to learn and enjoy his job. Yay God. Thank you to all of you who prayed for us for so long. I feel without a doubt, that this is what it was leading up to.

It is so incredible to be back by my family and Steve's. My in laws actually live about 5 minutes from us and my family is about an hour away. My sister and I take turns on weekends coming to see each other.

I miss my sunshine and heat, but have to admit the snow falling is beautiful. I'll let you know if I still feel that way by the end of winter :)

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